October 20, 2021
Dear church family,
When Paul was writing to the Christians in Rome, he said:
For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you — that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. (Romans 1:11-12)
This describes the nature of the functioning New Testament ‘ekklesia’ (church, congregation, assembly) and the mutual encouraging that happens when the Lord’s people gather. I’m sure that is what we all want to see continuing to happen each time we gather together.
We were very pleased to have been able to recommence our physical gatherings in the church building last Sunday. There was a special feeling of thankfulness in the air!
Government guidelines now allows that everyone is able to be part of the Sunday morning gathering in our church building. If for any reason you are not able to attend, you can still join us via our YouTube livestream. Link details will be in the church bulletin, as usual. We are thankful for the Government’s provision for places of worship, in allowing this so soon, which contrasts with various continued restrictions on other parts of the wider community.
Of course, there are still a few requirements that we have to follow for some time yet:
- Check in will be required using the QR codes provided at the entrances to the church buildings – a paper sheet is still provided in the main entry for those unable to use QR codes on their mobile phones.
- Children’s Teaching Time will still be on hold for a little while.
- Morning Tea is provided in a COVID safe way – i.e. self-serve; no close mingling; only wrapped food items provided; and outdoor spaces utilised.
- We will abide by the physical distancing requirements of maintaining 1.5 metres apart and not exceeding the 1 person per 4m2 guidelines.
- There is still no congregational singing (until December).
- All people over the age of 12 must wear a face mask inside.
- Hand sanitiser is available and everyone is encouraged to use this.
- Buildings will be well ventilated.
- If you are experiencing cold and flu-like symptoms, we ask that you stay at home and join us via the YouTube livestream provided each Sunday.
Greg (on behalf of the elders)