About Us

About Us


Whether you are a newcomer searching for a church home, a visitor just passing through, or someone who is not yet a Christian but wanting to find out more about Jesus and the Christian faith, we would love to meet you.

You will find people of all ages. Some have been attending Church most of their lives; while others have come more recently. Many of us are family people, doing our best to bring up children in this confusing and hurting world. Some are single parents; some have grown-up children; and others are just looking forward to their children growing up! We have single people, grandparents and students. Just like others in the wider world, many of our folk have been through tough times in their lives, experiencing hurts and disappointments.

However, the main thing that unites us is not our families, or lack of them, but the wonderful thing God has done for us through His Son Jesus Christ. God has forgiven us our wrong doings because of Jesus’ death on the cross in our place, two thousand years ago! This forgiveness enables us to lead a new life in Christ. It makes us part of Gods family, now and into eternity. How truly Jesus spoke when He said “Come to me and I will give you life more abundantly”.

Who are we?

Engadine Congregational Church is Engadine’s first church, dating back to 1928 when Engadine was a tiny village out in the sticks. “Congregational” means we are an independent community church, supported and governed by the members of the congregation. We are a member church of the Australian Fellowship of Congregational Churches.

Our Vision for Ministry

To Glorify God in the way we live every day, because all of life is meant to be worship. But the Christian is also part of God’s society, the Church, so we are committed to gathering publicly week by week to worship God by singing about His greatness and the forgiveness that is ours in Christ, to hear His word being read and preached, to offer up prayer and to share in the Lord’s Supper.

To Engage people in relevant ways and through various means in order to introduce them to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to helping people hear about God’s provision of salvation through Christ, so they can share in the life He freely offers to all who will trust in Him.

To Equip believers to lead godly Christian lives through applied Bible teaching, training and equipping them for effective service, and to help them become mature active members of His church.

To Encourage all Christians in their spiritual growth through meeting for prayer, worship, study of the Word, pastoral care and other activities and ministries which serve this purpose. To encourage all Christians to make a Biblical assessment of their gifts and to employ those gifts in suitable ministry.

To Extend the work of the gospel locally and globally by preparing, supporting and sending out individuals and families, to serve Christ in the world through the witness of the gospel.

Safe Ministry

All adults working with children have a valid NSW Government Working With Children Check, and are required to complete Safe Ministry Training in accordance with the church’s Safe Ministry Policy.
