Sermons on John (Page 4)

Sermons on John (Page 4)

He Came Down – Before the Manger

Before the Manger John’s Gospel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 2 John’s unique contribution Mark’s Gospel is silent, Matthew and Luke’s Gospels give us the details of Jesus’ birth, but only John takes us back to the beginning, “before the manger”. In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word To call Jesus “The Word” seems a strange way of speaking, but…

The Gate, the Shepherd and the Sheep

The Gate, the Shepherd, and the Sheep John 10 Leaders The figure of speech (vv. 1-6) The figure of speech expanded (vv 7-42) The gate (7-10) The shepherd (11-18) The sheep (19-42) Found: The Leader