Sermons by James Stone (Page 6)
The Unfinished Task 18 – The Gospel’s Law of Motion.
Acts chapter 14. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion For every force there is an equal but opposite reaction. But the Gospel Law of motion is different – the Gospel is like a force, and there is an opposite, but unequal, response. Division in Iconium Acts 14:1-7 Don’t be surprised at a divided response. Many believed the Gospel, but others plot to stone Paul to death. This opposition is not equal to the Gospel, which the apostles and disciples carry then…
The Unfinished Task 15 – The Mother Church
The Unfinished Task 15 – The Mother Church Spiritual Genealogies. Antioch is the mother church of Gentile Christians, that is, of most of us. God’s mission advances as:- … believers share the good news. Acts 11:19-21 A geographic expansion and cultural expansion. … believers are encouraged and taught Acts 11:22-26 Jerusalem sends Barnabas, the “son of encouragement”. The gospel is to go out, but also to go deep. … believers express unity through generosity Acts 11:27-30 A famine on the…
The Unfinished Task 11 – The Pilgrim God
The Pilgrim God Acts chapter 6, verse 8 to chapter 8, verse 1 “Where is God?” Often asked by kids, sometimes by older people. Not such a little question after all! The Charge, Acts 6:8-15 But Stephen’s face was like an angel’s. The Speech, Acts 7:1-53 The Church’s First Martyr, Acts 7:54-8:1 He dies using Jesus’ words. Faith is killed by fury.
A Love Like No Other
A Love Like No Other. Romans chapter 5, verses 6 to 8. Our fascination with love: Human Love, verse 7, Divine Love, verses 6 and 8, A Love Like No Other.
The Unsfinished Task 9 – God’s Unstoppable Purposes
God’s Unstoppable Purposes Acts chapter 5, verses 12 to 42 “Christianity in Crisis” A Summary of Superabundance, verses 12 to 16 Many healed, many believe. The “Curious Case of the Disappearing Apostles”, verses 16 to 26 Rulers shamed by an angel they did not believe in. Increased Opposition and Increased Resolve, verses 27 to 42 Fierce opposition, yet powerless, for “all Jerusalem was filled with their teaching about Jesus”. Be Inspired and Encouraged
The Unfinished Task 3 – Jesus: Lord and Christ
Jesus: Lord and Christ, Acts chapter 2, verses 1 to 41 Good news, bad news. Spectacular sights and sounds Acts 2:1-13 When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers gathered in one place. Suddenly a sound came from heaven. It was like a strong wind blowing. It filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw something that looked like fire in the shape of tongues. The flames separated and came to rest on each of them. All…
What is Man? – Psalm 8
Psalm 8 What is Man? In the 18th century the idea arose that God has no interest in man. The Universe is a vast machine that God made and no longer cares about. Man is just part of the clockwork. In the 19th century Man said that God doesn’t exist. Naturalism (there is nothing but Nature) inevitably led to Nihilism (Man has no significance at all). This is a great blow to any idea of our dignity. We are so…
Responding to the Light
John’s Gospel, chapter 1 verses 6 to 18 Responding to the Light Christmas preparations. Three words that strike terror in the heart of any sane person! Christmas is coming. Shopping for presents, food, decorations, and it all starts earlier each year. The witness of the light: John 1:6-9 John the Baptist. John the street sign: not the street, but pointing to where it is. What he is not: not Christ. What he is. “The voice of him who cries in…
He Came Down – Before the Manger
Before the Manger John’s Gospel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 2 John’s unique contribution Mark’s Gospel is silent, Matthew and Luke’s Gospels give us the details of Jesus’ birth, but only John takes us back to the beginning, “before the manger”. In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word To call Jesus “The Word” seems a strange way of speaking, but…
Resting in Righteousness – Psalm 7
Resting in Righteousness Psalm 7 There is an awkwardness in thinking about Judgement. Is God harsh? Or perhaps my own experience of personal injustice bites too deeply? David cries out in a plea for protection from men terrible as lions. He looks in his own heart. “Am I innocent?” He thinks about God the righteous Judge, asking Him to deal with injustice. Evil and trouble bring their own judgment upon themselves. He moves from plea to praise. “I will give…
Confident prayer from the sick-bed of tears – Psalm 6
Psalm 6 Confident prayer from the sick-bed of tears Luther’s Tentatio It would’ve been around February. March. 2006. And a group of 25-30 students had just returned from their summer break to engage in their second year of classes at George Whitefield College. A Bible College located right on the beach at Muizenberg. In Cape Town, South Africa. As the students take their seats. And enjoy catching up on what each other had been up to over the holidays. The…
The Gate, the Shepherd and the Sheep
The Gate, the Shepherd, and the Sheep John 10 Leaders The figure of speech (vv. 1-6) The figure of speech expanded (vv 7-42) The gate (7-10) The shepherd (11-18) The sheep (19-42) Found: The Leader