Sermons by Steve Bates (Page 3)

Sermons by Steve Bates (Page 3)

1 – God’s People Are Never Alone (Even In a Hostile World)

God’s People Are Never Alone (Even In a Hostile World). The Book of the Prophet Daniel, chapter 1. The story of Daniel and friends, prisoners and exiles in Babylon the Great. A Real Life Drama in 3 Scenes! Scene 1 – v1-7 God is NOT defeated! That is, He is omnipotent, all powerful. The Babylonians did not conquer Israel because Israel’s God was not able to help them, but because God gave victory to Babylon as a judgement on His…

Luther, Grace and OCD

Martin Luther, Grace and OCD Sub-title – How Martin Luther’s mental illness drove him to rediscover the heart of the Gospel and rescue Christianity from its deadly sleep. Exploring Christianity – Contact Form I want to tell you today about 3 things, which link their arms together to present something of the greatest importance to all of us; the third thing in particular is vital for some of us, and useful to all. These 3 are Martin Luther, Grace, and…