Sermons on Desiring God (Page 3)
A SONG FOR ALL SEASONS – When I’m feeling joyful
If you only want the audio Bible message, please click on the play button above. Otherwise scroll down to find the Bible message video The kids’ spot – “Jesus and the Children” To download free colouring pages click on this link: BIBLE READING – PSALM 100 BIBLE TALK – ‘WHEN I’M FEELING JoyFUL’ – PSALM 100 Talk outline 1. THE LORD IS GOD (Verses 1-4) Make a joyful noise (Verse 1) Serve the Lord with gladness (Verse 2) Come before His…
Love in all the wrong places.
Love in all the wrong places. John’s first letter, 1 John, Chapter 2, verses 15-17. A Ferrari is impressive. What makes someone spend $400,000 to get from A to B? Desire, love? But not logic. I think, therefore I am. Rene Descartes, 17th century philosopher. In practice it is more often “I love, therefore I am”, which drives us. Love is a choice , verse 15. Do not love the world or anything in it. “Do not..” means we can…
The Good Life 1 – The Upside-Down Kingdom.
The Good Life 1 – The Upside-Down Kingdom. Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5, verses 1 to 12 Blessed are those who are … ? Matthew 5 “Blessed” means truly favoured by God. Jesus does not give us rules to get us to heaven, but a description of what it is like to be in the kingdom of heaven. Relating to God Matt 5:1-6 Relating to People Matt 5:7-12
The Desires of the Heart
The desires of the heart – Exodus chapter 33
The Pursuit of Happiness – Psalm 1
The Pursuit of Happiness. The Pursuit of Happiness – Psalm 1. We are all wired to pursue happiness. The Church has been suspicious about happiness. Our culture has been worshipping at the feet of happiness. Christians need to reclaim happiness. To be blessed is to have supreme happiness! Blessed is the Man Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wickedor stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,2 but whose delight is…