Sermons on Hope (Page 4)

Sermons on Hope (Page 4)

Holding on to Hope

If you just want the audio Bible message, please click on the play button above. Otherwise scroll down to follow the songs, readings, prayers as well as the Bible message. Holding on to Hope Even in a time that seems hopeless, there is hope. Bible Reading Lamentations Chapter 3 verses 19 to 33 Holding on to Hope Looking back on significant events in our life time. 1 TRUTH IN THE MIDST OF DESPAIR, verses 19-21 2. HOPE IN THE MIDST…

Do not be afraid

If you just want the audio Bible message, please click on the play button above. Otherwise scroll down to follow the songs, readings, prayers as well as the Bible message. Welcome to our Easter Sunday service. Today is a significant occasion in the Christian calendar, and in the lives of all Christians. It is a joyful day as we celebrate the resurrection – the coming back to life – of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. As we begin our…

When God Seems Far Off and Hidden – Psalm 10

When God seems far off and hidden. Psalm 10. A crisis of faith Psalm 10:1 The Lord is a place of safety for those who have been treated badly. He keeps them safe in times of trouble. Psalm 9, verse 9 Lord, why are you so far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? … but now, Psalm 10, verse 1 God seems out of the picture. The wicked have moved to the centre. A portrait of…

Approaching the New Year with God.

Approaching the new Year with God. Psalm 90, a Psalm of Moses. The setting is Moses in the wilderness, with all the troubles and losses he faced there. Depressed? No, for he knows God. The Eternal God: Psalm 90:1-2 “We are a moment, You are forever”. He never ages, He is outside of time. The Sovereign God: Psalm 90:3-6 He decides the lifetime of us all, yet is outside of time Himself. He decides all the affairs of this world.…

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 6 – The Lord

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 6 – The Lord. Psalm 110. The Lord says to my lord,    “Sit at my right handuntil I put your enemies    under your control.” Psalm 110 verse 1, New International Reader’s Version (NIRV) Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. A King like no other – verses 1 to 3 A Priest like no other – verse 4 A Conqueror like no other – verses 5 to…

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 5 – The Servant

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 5 – The Servant. Isaiah chapter 42, verse 1 to 16. If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. “Mere Christianity”, Chapter 10 on Hope, page 75 – C.S.Lewis The silent gods, Isa. 41:6,21-26 Isaiah challenges the futility of idols, that do nothing, say nothing, just confusion. The speaking God, Isa. 42:8-16 He identifies Himself,…

Let every heart prepare Him room – 3, The Child

The Child. Isaiah chapter 9, verses 1 to 7. Great Expectations. Waiting for a child to come. A time of great distress and gloom (Isaiah chapter 8) – but now “no more gloom” (Isaiah 9:1). Hope Light and joy Isaiah 9:1-3 The basis of hope: Isaiah 9:4-7 Deliverance Isaiah 9:4, as when Gideon defeated Midian in the days of the Judges. Complete victory Isa. 9:5, won by God Himself. The birth of a child Isa. 9:6-7. Born of man, given…

How God’s word changes lives

Hebrews chapter 10 verses 19 to 25. How God’s word changes lives. Our privileges in Jesus, Hebrews 10:19-21. Our standing in Christ. “Since we have….”. A time when we did NOT have: Confidence to come to God through Jesus. The door of good deeds is blocked up. The door of Jesus is thrown open for all who will come. See John 10. A never failing high priest, Jesus. The best, a perfect priest, without equal. Our responsibilities in Jesus, Hebrews…

The Unfinished Task 11 – The Pilgrim God

The Pilgrim God Acts chapter 6, verse 8 to chapter 8, verse 1 “Where is God?” Often asked by kids, sometimes by older people. Not such a little question after all! The Charge, Acts 6:8-15 But Stephen’s face was like an angel’s. The Speech, Acts 7:1-53 The Church’s First Martyr, Acts 7:54-8:1 He dies using Jesus’ words. Faith is killed by fury.

Golden Years

Golden Years – Genesis chapters 49 and 50 GATHERED UP Beyond all father Jacob’s hopes and fears, his beloved son Joseph is alive and well, Ruler of mighty Egypt, 2nd only to Pharaoh. Now begin Jacob’s last and GOLDEN YEARS. 17 blessed years of peace with his family around him in comfort and safety. The years of loneliness are past. “Surely, God is good to Israel” Psalm 73:1 (Israel is Jacob’s other name). Old Jacob DIES – 147 years old.…

No Need to be Afraid

Mark’s Gospel, chapter 4 verse 35 to chapter 5 verse 43 No Need to be Afraid Terror of spiders! But mostly spiders are not that hard to deal with. What about the things we can’t control? Can’t deal with? Dark things, evil things. What scares you? Dying? Demons or spirits? Sickness? Being alone? Losing a loved one? Jesus came to deal with these. Fear of storms. A mega-storm terrifies experienced seamen. Jesus is asleep. “Don’t you care?” Great calm. Mega-storm…