Sermons on Justice (Page 2)

Sermons on Justice (Page 2)

Praising and pleading with God the Judge – Psalm 9

Praising, and pleading with God the Judge. Psalm 9 A new year in a broken world. Sometimes the wicked seem to win. This side of heaven life is still like that for the believer. Praise for past rescue: Psalm 9:1-12 David and his kingdom are under threat, but he looks to One far greater than any enemy. Every deliverance is a signpost to God and His ways, to His final victory. God’s justice is a source of hope and joy.…

Resting in Righteousness – Psalm 7

Resting in Righteousness Psalm 7 There is an awkwardness in thinking about Judgement. Is God harsh? Or perhaps my own experience of personal injustice bites too deeply? David cries out in a plea for protection from men terrible as lions. He looks in his own heart. “Am I innocent?” He thinks about God the righteous Judge, asking Him to deal with injustice. Evil and trouble bring their own judgment upon themselves. He moves from plea to praise. “I will give…
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