Sermons on Gospel (Page 6)
Knowing That We Know God
1 John 2 – 3,17
Staying Focused
Philippians Chapter 1 verses 12-18 Photos: no. 1 rule, keep the subject focused! In life, we often focus on the wrong thing, on “myself”. Keep the subject the subject. Focus on Christ. Paul speaks of his many trials, but he does not focus on them. Hated by his own people, then arrested by the Romans as a suspected Egyptian terrorist. Tried and held over in prison. Shipped to Rome, a terrifying journey, with shipwreck. In prison in Rome. Yet the…
Generous Grace
John 21
Miracle Meals
Mark 6
Killing the Author of Life
Acts 3
The God Who Saves – Psalm 3
Psalm 3 A psalm of David. When he fled from his son Absalom. “God will not save him” 1 Lord, how many are my foes!How many rise up against me!2 Many are saying of me,‘God will not deliver him.’ God will save him! 3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me,my glory, the One who lifts my head high.4 I call out to the Lord,and he answers me from his holy mountain.5 I lie down and sleep;I wake again,…
The Philanthropic God
Titus 3 When you give of yourself, you truly give. In Jesus, God really does give us Himself.
The Greatest Story Ever Told
1 Timothy 1:15 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Mans’s greatest problem is found in himself and there is no human cure.
Curious Christmas (Part 2)
Matthew 2:1-12 “Come to Jesus!” that is the invitation to you this Christmas
Curious Christmas (Part 1)
Luke 2:1-20 This Christmas, be curious and come to this one whose birth we celebrate.
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 8: Alive
Mark’s Gospel, Chapters 15 and 16
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 7: Dead
Mark’s Gospel, Chapters 14 and 15