Sermons on Gospel (Page 7)
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 6: Able
Mark’s Gospel Chapter 9, Verse 14-29
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 5: Powerful
Mark’s Gospel, Chapter 5, Verses 21 to 43
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 4: Caring
Mark’s Gospel, Chapter 4, Verses 35 to 41
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 3 Forgiving
Mark’s Gospel, Chapter 2, Verses 1 to 12
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 2: Willing
Mark’s Gospel, Chapter 1
Doubter’s Guide to Jesus 1: Radical
Mark’s Gospel Chapter 1
Q7 – “If God has a plan for everyone, does he know some people will choose not to be Christians?”
God created mankind with the capacity for free choice. He did not want a race of robots who would say “Yes God, I love you and will always obey you.” Creatures like that would not really be human, just pre-programmed animals. You could say that He was prepared to take the risk of His creatures turning their backs on Him. In ways mysterious to us, He knows everything before it happens. He is not inside Time as we are, but…