Before the Manger
John’s Gospel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 2
John’s unique contribution
Mark’s Gospel is silent, Matthew and Luke’s Gospels give us the details of Jesus’ birth, but only John takes us back to the beginning, “before the manger”.
In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
The Word
To call Jesus “The Word” seems a strange way of speaking, but the ancient Jews and Greeks could connect with this idea. In Greek, it is “Logos”, who makes all things work day by day. Don Carson says the Word is God’s “powerful self-expression in creation, revelation and salvation”.
John draws out 3 truths about this Word.
Was: this implies pre-existence, “in the beginning”. The Word always was.
With God: a close and intimate relationship. One person in relation with another person. The Word distinct from God, and from the beginning.
Was God: some people insist it means “was a god”. Was god-like in some way. John could have used another Greek word that would mean just that, but he didn’t. He meant “was in fact God”.
God’s Unique contribution
The Word is Someone, not a mere something.