Refuge and Raging – The World we all live in
Psalm 2
‘This is where we [really] live’
North Korean missiles, Trump, G20 riots, Medicare details and the Dark Web. And that’s just this week!
Vain rebellion, verses 1-3
1 Why do the nations conspire
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 ‘Let us break their chains
and throw off their shackles.’
Fearing God as a stingy killjoy, when He is more like a loving mother, for the little one’s good. This is what His rule is like, but man rebels.
Laughter and terror from heaven, Verses 4-6
God is not anxious, not worried, about the opposition.
His mere declaration is a terror to any who oppose.
What declaration?
The king – Relationship and rule, Verses 7-9
A king in a little backwater country? Yes. But a special King, His Son, whose kingdom will last forever.
Wise submission, verses 10-12
No refuge from Him.
The only refuge is in Him
The True King.
Who is He? King David’s line seemed to disappear about 500BC. Acts 4 shows the true king is Jesus Christ, our Lord.