Bible Talks – Archive (Page 29)

Bible Talks – Archive (Page 29)

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The Unfinished Task 2 – Preparing for Gospel Growth

Preparing for Gospel Growth – Acts chapter 1, verses 12 to 26 There are many metaphors of the church: A Family The Bride of Christ A body A building Another metaphor: is the church a Cruise Ship or a Battleship? Similar (both are big and float in water) but very different. One’s purpose is to please its patrons. Success is when each is satisfied. The other quite different. Each does its part for the whole, for the ship’s mission. The…

The Unfinished Task 1 – The Foundation of Jesus’ Mission

The Foundation of Jesus’ Mission – Acts Chapter 1, verses 1 to 11 A new enterprise. Apple’s vision. A few projects, done with excellence. Jesus Christ launched an enterprise 2000 years ago, far greater, that will outlast Apple and all other solely human enterprises. He is building His church, and it will succeed. The foundation of Jesus’ mission Acts 1:1-7 His resurrection. He appeared 40 days. Many saw Him. Up to 500 at a time. They spoke with Him, they…

Jesus’ Heart for People. Our Heart for People

Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 9 verse 35 to chapter 10 verse 4 Jesus’ Heart for People. Our Heart for People Are you seeing clearly? How’s your focus? Seeing people distinctly, as Jesus sees them? As lost sheep with no shepherd. Jesus was always find moving towards people (not programs). Teaching, preaching, healing. 3 things:- The portrait of Jesus Matt 9:35 Frustrated, annoyed, bothered by the crowds? No! Deeply moved in his emotions for them. So he spoke God’s truth to turn.…

A Story to Remember

A Story to Remember – Psalm 78. A Psalm by Asaph Poor memory of God’s goodness? Yet we will make a way to remember what is important. Asaph was the director of music in the Temple, and author of many of the psalms. “My people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old— things we have heard and known, things our…

Golden Years

Golden Years – Genesis chapters 49 and 50 GATHERED UP Beyond all father Jacob’s hopes and fears, his beloved son Joseph is alive and well, Ruler of mighty Egypt, 2nd only to Pharaoh. Now begin Jacob’s last and GOLDEN YEARS. 17 blessed years of peace with his family around him in comfort and safety. The years of loneliness are past. “Surely, God is good to Israel” Psalm 73:1 (Israel is Jacob’s other name). Old Jacob DIES – 147 years old.…

No Need to be Afraid

Mark’s Gospel, chapter 4 verse 35 to chapter 5 verse 43 No Need to be Afraid Terror of spiders! But mostly spiders are not that hard to deal with. What about the things we can’t control? Can’t deal with? Dark things, evil things. What scares you? Dying? Demons or spirits? Sickness? Being alone? Losing a loved one? Jesus came to deal with these. Fear of storms. A mega-storm terrifies experienced seamen. Jesus is asleep. “Don’t you care?” Great calm. Mega-storm…

What is Man? – Psalm 8

Psalm 8 What is Man? In the 18th century the idea arose that God has no interest in man. The Universe is a vast machine that God made and no longer cares about. Man is just part of the clockwork. In the 19th century Man said that God doesn’t exist. Naturalism (there is nothing but Nature) inevitably led to Nihilism (Man has no significance at all). This is a great blow to any idea of our dignity. We are so…

God Next Door

John’s Gospel chapter 1, verses 14 to 18 God Next Door Jesus’ Identity, verse 14 A real man, yet real God too. “The Word became flesh”. Humble, living with Mary and Joseph. He was one always moving towards people, and never away from them. A man of intimacy. Jesus’ History, verse 15 “He was before me” was a witness’s statement. A history from the very beginning of time. A real history in space and time. Jesus’ Ministry, verses 16 to…

Responding to the Light

John’s Gospel, chapter 1 verses 6 to 18 Responding to the Light Christmas preparations. Three words that strike terror in the heart of any sane person! Christmas is coming. Shopping for presents, food, decorations, and it all starts earlier each year. The witness of the light: John 1:6-9 John the Baptist. John the street sign: not the street, but pointing to where it is. What he is not: not Christ. What he is. “The voice of him who cries in…

He Came Down – Light and Life

Light and life John’s Gospel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 3 Who do you think Jesus is? Here is what one famous man said:- I know men, and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a mere man.  Between him and whoever else is in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Cæsar, Charlemagne, and I founded empires. But upon what did we rest the creations of our genius ? Upon force. Jesus Christ alone founded…

He Came Down – Before the Manger

Before the Manger John’s Gospel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 2 John’s unique contribution Mark’s Gospel is silent, Matthew and Luke’s Gospels give us the details of Jesus’ birth, but only John takes us back to the beginning, “before the manger”. In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word To call Jesus “The Word” seems a strange way of speaking, but…