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Sola 2 Christ Alone
Hebrews 4 Through reading the book of Hebrews the reformers saw that direct access to God was possible through Jesus Christ, that He is the great high priest.. not through priest or pope or purgatory, not through Mary or the mass, not through saints or confession but through Christ alone.
Sola 1 Scripture Alone
2 Timothy 3 Rediscovery of truth that shook the church to its foundations……….What we need is a personal reformation.
Refuge and Raging – Psalm 2
Refuge and Raging – The World we all live in Psalm 2 ‘This is where we [really] live’ North Korean missiles, Trump, G20 riots, Medicare details and the Dark Web. And that’s just this week! Vain rebellion, verses 1-3 1 Why do the nations conspireand the peoples plot in vain?2 The kings of the earth rise upand the rulers band togetheragainst the Lord and against his anointed, saying,3 ‘Let us break their chainsand throw off their shackles.’ Fearing God as…
The Pursuit of Happiness – Psalm 1
The Pursuit of Happiness. The Pursuit of Happiness – Psalm 1. We are all wired to pursue happiness. The Church has been suspicious about happiness. Our culture has been worshipping at the feet of happiness. Christians need to reclaim happiness. To be blessed is to have supreme happiness! Blessed is the Man Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wickedor stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,2 but whose delight is…
Endless Work
Nehemiah Chapter 13
Ordinary Joy
Nehemiah Chapters 11 and 12
Saying No to Neglect
Nehemiah Chapters 9 and 10
Building God’s People
Nehemiah Chapters 8 and 9
Building the Wall
Nehemiah Chapters 6 and 7
Leading by Example
Nehemiah Chapter 5
Together on the Wall
Nehemiah Chapters 3 and 4
Praying, Planning, Action
Nehemiah Chapter 2