Bible Talks – Archive (Page 38)

Bible Talks – Archive (Page 38)

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Q5 – “Why did Jesus work as a carpenter in his father’s joinery before his ministry and him being the Son of God as well?”

I think there are 3 things involved in this question. The first thing is that the Bible talks about there being a first Adam and a last, or second, Adam. The first Adam is the one who by his turning away from God injected the curse into the world, including all the problems we have been talking about. The second Adam is Jesus, the last Adam, and He pulls the fangs of the curse and reverses things. Now that is…

Q4 – “God must have a nasty mentality if he could only create nature where species eat each other. Is it a godly way? Could he not come up with a better answer? Nice God!!! Where are you!!! Wake up!”

There’s a couple of questions in that one. I’ve tried to narrow it down to these questions:- the first question is ‘Why do species eat each other?’ In the first book of the Bible we are presented with a description of animals starting to eat each other after what is called the world-wide flood. So if you think of it in terms of a Timeline – first God made everything, including the first man and woman, and everything perfect, and…

Q3 – “What will my daughter grow up to be?”

As a mother of 3 daughters this is a question I’ve often thought about, and obviously if you happen to be the mother or father of daughters or sons or a mixture of sons and daughters you will have the the same question. I don’t think there is a parent who does not look at a newborn baby and think “I wonder who will you be? We’ve welcomed you into our family, but who are you, who are you going…

Q2 – “Why isn’t life fair?”

Just a “small” question! 🙂 I appreciate that the question could come from a number of places, and probably is a very personal question out of experience. So I recognise that I may not answer it according to what you had in mind from your personal experience, but let me give it a bash. When we talk about what is fair, the Oxford dictionary says “treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination.” so why is life unfair? It’s a good…

Q1 – “I have a million questions. Does God really hear?”

I think this question is an excellent place to start, because, what’s the use of having a Q and A if God doesn’t answer questions? There are really 2 parts to this question. One is ‘Is God able to hear us?’ The other is ‘Is God willing to hear us?’ For the former, we don’t have the time to go into depth about the theology of God’s existence and creation. But I’d like to quickly say that it seems clear…

2 – God Rules and God Reveals

God Rules and God Reveals. The Book of the prophet Daniel, chapter 2. King Nebuchadnezzar’s dreadful dream. A weaver has 2 sets of threads, WARP and WEFT, with which she weaves a pattern. The twin threads of God Rules and God Reveals are woven together here, just as the warp and weft that make up the rug. What the King saw. The dream explained About the King,the kingdoms to follow his, and the kingdom that will last forever.

1 – God’s People Are Never Alone (Even In a Hostile World)

God’s People Are Never Alone (Even In a Hostile World). The Book of the Prophet Daniel, chapter 1. The story of Daniel and friends, prisoners and exiles in Babylon the Great. A Real Life Drama in 3 Scenes! Scene 1 – v1-7 God is NOT defeated! That is, He is omnipotent, all powerful. The Babylonians did not conquer Israel because Israel’s God was not able to help them, but because God gave victory to Babylon as a judgement on His…

Luther, Grace and OCD

Martin Luther, Grace and OCD Sub-title – How Martin Luther’s mental illness drove him to rediscover the heart of the Gospel and rescue Christianity from its deadly sleep. Exploring Christianity – Contact Form I want to tell you today about 3 things, which link their arms together to present something of the greatest importance to all of us; the third thing in particular is vital for some of us, and useful to all. These 3 are Martin Luther, Grace, and…