We understand that visiting a new church for the first time can leave you feeling a little apprehensive. We trust that this page will make it easier for you to walk through our doors.

Sunday Gatherings – 10am
Location & Parking
We are located at 28 Waratah Road Engadine, just behind the shopping centre and next to Coles. There is parking on site, in Waratah Road and in the public car park via Miyal Place. The main entrance is on the left side of the A-frame building.
During the service
You don’t need to bring anything along to church. Bibles will be available to use in the pews, and if you don’t own a Bible, please ask our ushers, who can provide one as our gift to you.
Our gathering is a blend of historical and modern church elements that express the timeless truths of Christianity in a modern and relevant way. In the gathering there will be an invitation to sing, pray and hear the Bible read, explained and applied.
Please feel free to participate as much, or as little, as you feel comfortable.
Toddlers & Kids
During our morning services we regularly have a kids’ talk, which usually ties in with the sermon subject.
For those with small children there is a creche room available for use just behind the hall. This room has a direct view of the hall and allows parents and carers to follow along while watching their toddlers.
There is a preschool crèche where children can be looked after during the Bible talk, as well as a teaching time for older children up to school year 4.
After the service
Everyone is welcome to join us after for coffee, tea and refreshments.
Do you have any questions?
Send us a message and we’ll get back to you soon. We hope to see you this Sunday at 10am.
Why do we meet on Sundays?
We meet on Sundays to read, hear and discuss God’s word. This is how He speaks to His children. We love to hear of God’s wonderful offer of free and full forgiveness through trusting on what Jesus God’s Son has done for us. All that we do when we meet as a church family grows out of this reality. Knowing Jesus Christ truly is a life changing relationship. It is a message we long to share with others in our community and in our world.
However, it’s not all listening and discussion. Like any good family with a loving Father, we respond to Him in praise and prayer. We thank Him for everything he does for us and encourage each other to live as He wants us to live. We enjoy singing to the Lord and to one another about His greatness and mercy, and we ask Him to bring others into this Family of God as well.
We need and look forward to this weekly time together. That’s why many of us hang around after the service, talking together. We hope you will feel welcome to join us.
Afternoons, Evenings and Other Regular Events
- We meet the 1st Sunday of each month at 6.00 pm for prayer.
- We meet the 3rd Sunday of each month for a bring-and-share meal at 6.00 pm.
- We meet for lunch on the last Sunday at Cooper St Park at 1.00 pm