Posts from 2019

Posts from 2019

On being human

Samuel Beckett’s play, ‘Breath’, lasts for a total of 35 seconds. No people are seen on the stage. Instead, the stage is littered with miscellaneous rubbish.  There is a recorded cry – a birth cry – at the beginning of the play.  This is then followed by a recording of someone slowly inhaling and exhaling, as the intensity of the stage lighting is increased and decreased.  There is a second identical cry.  And the play concludes. Is that all there is to being human?  Is that what…

Justice and judgement

For many people the idea of judgement, and of God as Judge, is so unpalatable that it renders faith in the God of the Bible impossible.  Perhaps that might describe you?  Although I am a Christian, and a church leader, I admit to occasionally feeling a palpable sense of awkwardness upon reading some of what the Bible says about judgement. How are we to navigate this challenging topic? One comment I would venture is that I wonder whether at least some of…