Sermons on James

Sermons on James

God’s COVID Lessons

James chapter 4, verses 13 to 17 God’s COVID Lessons Exam cram Human hubris (verses 13, 16, 17) 13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city. We will spend a year there. We will buy and sell and make money.” …16 As it is, you brag. You brag about the evil plans your pride produces. This kind of bragging is evil.17 So suppose someone knows the good deeds they should do.…

Powerful Prayer

Powerful Prayer. The letter of James, chapter 5, verses 13 to 18. Powerful prayer… Requires Invasion, verses 13 and 14 Requires Faith, verse 15 Requires Righteousness, verse 16 Requires Humans, verse 17 The most powerful prayer is not the one which changes God, but the one which changes me. (Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash)