Sermons on Church (Page 3)

Sermons on Church (Page 3)

Drawing Near to God

Drawing Near to God – Hebrews Chapter 10, Verses 19 to 25 Bible Reading – A call to persevere in faith 19 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with…

Jesus is King: The King’s Workers

Jesus is King: The King’s Workers. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 9 verse 35 to chapter 10 verse 15. How to Change the World Praying for Workers (9:35-38) Jesus’ ministry (v. 35) Jesus’ compassion (v. 36) Jesus’ strategy (vv. 37-38) Sending out Workers (10:1-15) What? (v. 1) Who? (vv. 2-4) How? (vv. 5-15) Changing the World – Jesus’ Way

What is the Church? What Does She do?

What is the Church? What Does She do? By Pastor Michael Hunt, President of the Fellowship of Congregational Churches, Australia. Genesis chapter 12, verse 1 to 4, 1 Peter chapter 2, verses 4 to 25.

How God’s word changes lives

Hebrews chapter 10 verses 19 to 25. How God’s word changes lives. Our privileges in Jesus, Hebrews 10:19-21. Our standing in Christ. “Since we have….”. A time when we did NOT have: Confidence to come to God through Jesus. The door of good deeds is blocked up. The door of Jesus is thrown open for all who will come. See John 10. A never failing high priest, Jesus. The best, a perfect priest, without equal. Our responsibilities in Jesus, Hebrews…

The Unfinished Task 18 – The Gospel’s Law of Motion.

Acts chapter 14. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion For every force there is an equal but opposite reaction. But the Gospel Law of motion is different – the Gospel is like a force, and there is an opposite, but unequal, response. Division in Iconium Acts 14:1-7 Don’t be surprised at a divided response. Many believed the Gospel, but others plot to stone Paul to death. This opposition is not equal to the Gospel, which the apostles and disciples carry then…

The Unfinished Task 15 – The Mother Church

The Unfinished Task 15 – The Mother Church Spiritual Genealogies. Antioch is the mother church of Gentile Christians, that is, of most of us. God’s mission advances as:- … believers share the good news. Acts 11:19-21 A geographic expansion and cultural expansion. … believers are encouraged and taught Acts 11:22-26 Jerusalem sends Barnabas, the “son of encouragement”. The gospel is to go out, but also to go deep. … believers express unity through generosity Acts 11:27-30 A famine on the…

The Unsfinished Task 9 – God’s Unstoppable Purposes

God’s Unstoppable Purposes Acts chapter 5, verses 12 to 42 “Christianity in Crisis” A Summary of Superabundance, verses 12 to 16 Many healed, many believe. The “Curious Case of the Disappearing Apostles”, verses 16 to 26 Rulers shamed by an angel they did not believe in. Increased Opposition and Increased Resolve, verses 27 to 42 Fierce opposition, yet powerless, for “all Jerusalem was filled with their teaching about Jesus”. Be Inspired and Encouraged

The Unfinished Task 4 – Totally Devoted

Totally Devoted – Acts chapter 2, verses 42 to 47 The recent sexual abuse scandals and Cardinal Pell’s conviction have caused shock and dismay to many. Even the word “church” upsets many. Yet God brings us to faith in Christ. Then we come to see what “church” means. When a person is converted to Christ what happens? Here in Acts chapter 2 we can see. 42 The believers studied what the apostles taught. They shared their lives together. They ate and…

Jesus’ Heart for People. Our Heart for People

Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 9 verse 35 to chapter 10 verse 4 Jesus’ Heart for People. Our Heart for People Are you seeing clearly? How’s your focus? Seeing people distinctly, as Jesus sees them? As lost sheep with no shepherd. Jesus was always find moving towards people (not programs). Teaching, preaching, healing. 3 things:- The portrait of Jesus Matt 9:35 Frustrated, annoyed, bothered by the crowds? No! Deeply moved in his emotions for them. So he spoke God’s truth to turn.…