Jesus’ Heart for People. Our Heart for People

Jesus’ Heart for People. Our Heart for People

Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 9 verse 35 to chapter 10 verse 4

Jesus’ Heart for People. Our Heart for People

Are you seeing clearly? How’s your focus? Seeing people distinctly, as Jesus sees them? As lost sheep with no shepherd.

Jesus was always find moving towards people (not programs). Teaching, preaching, healing.

3 things:-

The portrait of Jesus Matt 9:35

Frustrated, annoyed, bothered by the crowds? No! Deeply moved in his emotions for them. So he spoke God’s truth to turn. He came to all sorts of people then, and He comes to all sorts of people now. He comes to you. Preaching the Word: teaching set on fire by the Spirit. Light and heat, head and heart. Without the Spirit you can have a church completely orthodox, and completely useless. Healing, a ministry to physical needs too. Suffering, for all the people.

The plight of people Matt 9:36

Harassed and helpless. Like sheep, a not very wise or great animal. Wandering, lost. Sin always harasses us. A heavy burden that cannot be carried. Lonely, sick, worried, anxious. Religious leaders made things worse, and the burdens heavier. But Jesus “ate and drank with sinners”. A lost generation. Better education? That’d be good. Better medical care? That’d be good. But not enough. Lost need to be found.

The plan of Jesus Matt 9:37-38

Harvest – it is abundant. Not hopeless, withered, drought-stricken. “I have many people in this city” God said later to a discouraged Apostle Paul. God grows the harvest. We are called to go to the harvest. Jesus saw the need for workers. He chooses to use frail people. Ask, pray for this. Jesus must send them.
And God is the Lord is the harvest.