Sermons from 2018 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2018 (Page 2)

Leadership Shaped By Grace

Titus chapter 1, verses 5-9 What should leadership in the church look like in our culture? Leadership – Personal character and conduct. Titus 1:5-8 Leadership – Personal conviction and courage. Titus 1:9
Alms to the poor. Michel Drolling, 19th Century


Generosity And he, who has, gives to him who has not, without boasting. And when they see a stranger, they take him in to their homes and rejoice over him as a very brother; for they do not call them brethren after the flesh, but brethren after the spirit and in God. And whenever one of their poor passes from the world, each one of them according to his ability gives heed to him and carefully sees to his burial.…

Why Do Grace and Truth Matter?

Titus chapter 1, verses 1 to 4 Christ-centred living in a self-centred world. Why do Grace and Truth Matter? The Messenger of God; verse1 The Message of God verses; 1-4

Confident prayer from the sick-bed of tears – Psalm 6

Psalm 6 Confident prayer from the sick-bed of tears Luther’s Tentatio It would’ve been around February. March. 2006. And a group of 25-30 students had just returned from their summer break to engage in their second year of classes at George Whitefield College. A Bible College located right on the beach at Muizenberg. In Cape Town, South Africa. As the students take their seats. And enjoy catching up on what each other had been up to over the holidays. The…

Hearts Filled With Thankfulness

90th Anniversary of Engadine Church Philippians 1:1-6 HEARTS FILLED WITH THANKFULNESS World events of 1928. Penicillin discovered. Kingsford-Smith flew across the Pacific. The Engadine Story – a church is born. The Philippi Story Acts 16, Philippians 1. God was at work there. He is still at work. What has been done at Engadine has been done by God. A mindset of thankfulness v1-4 Joyful thanks & prayer. Not always easy to be thankful! Paul the Apostle, a “serial offender” because…

The Grace Shaped Church

Titus chapter 1 A world of change. Faith in Jesus is in the margins. “I can live without God” is the common ethos. Information When? Where? How? Titus on Crete as the man of God. Cretans were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, when when Peter preached the first Christian sermon to thousands. Now some hear Paul describing what someone said of the Cretan character, and say “Yes, that’s what we were like!” Real people, real place, in real…

The Gate, the Shepherd and the Sheep

The Gate, the Shepherd, and the Sheep John 10 Leaders The figure of speech (vv. 1-6) The figure of speech expanded (vv 7-42) The gate (7-10) The shepherd (11-18) The sheep (19-42) Found: The Leader

What has Jesus done? God’s agent of salvation

What has Jesus done? God’s agent of salvation Hebrews 1:3c-4 Sacrifice and the gods Down through the centuries religion has been marked by. Or at least, closely associated with. The practice of sacrifice. Religion and sacrifice. Historically, they’ve gone together. The cultures and societies of the Ancient Near East. The area in which God’s people in the Old Testament. The Israelites. Lived. And the context in which the Old Testament was written. Those Ancient Near Eastern religions. They engaged in…

Who is Jesus? God’s Perfect Image

Who is Jesus? God’s perfect image Hebrews 1:3a The search for God Just talking to other people can reveal that many are on a search for God. They might not necessarily use the word, ‘God’, but the search is there for ‘The Great Being’, ‘Ultimate Reality’, ‘True Meaning’. Pick a term. Spiritual quests. In pursuit of the spiritual. A few years ago it was Julia Roberts’ trendy ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ movie that attracted such a following. Where Liz Gilbert. The…

What has Jesus done? God’s Agent of Creation

What has Jesus done? God’s agent of creation Hebrews 1:2b and 3b Creation controversies Down through the centuries the topic of creation has been fraught with controversy. Amongst Christians, perhaps almost as much as amongst anyone else. Are we talking about creation occurring over six literal twenty-four hour days? Days as we experience days. Or are those ‘first day’, ‘second day’, ‘third day’ references in Genesis 1 to be understood more figuratively. As periods of time rather than strictly twenty-four…

test 2017 archive

2017-enlarging the narrow place 2017-relative link enlarging the narrow place

Who is Jesus? God’s Final Word

Who is Jesus? God’s final word Hebrews 1:1-2a A vox pop in Engadine re Jesus I wonder if we did a vox pop here in Engadine. You know where you go around and you ask people what their opinion is on a particular subject. I wonder if we went around Engadine. Or Heathcote. Or whatever suburb you live in. And asked people who do you think Jesus is. What do you make of what Jesus has done. I wonder what…