God Next Door

God Next Door

John’s Gospel chapter 1, verses 14 to 18

God Next Door

Jesus’ Identity, verse 14

A real man, yet real God too. “The Word became flesh”. Humble, living with Mary and Joseph. He was one always moving towards people, and never away from them. A man of intimacy.

Jesus’ History, verse 15

“He was before me” was a witness’s statement. A history from the very beginning of time. A real history in space and time.

Jesus’ Ministry, verses 16 to 18

Full of grace. Giving to us what we don’t deserve. He freely gives freedom from guilt and shame. Even from things we can’t forgive ourselves for. He came to make God known – “No one has ever seen God. But the One and Only is God and is at the Father’s side. The one at the Father’s side has shown us what God is like.” There is no other way to know God.