Truly Happy – The Best Pearl

Truly Happy – The Best Pearl

Truly Happy – The Best Pearl

How to be truly happy in a world of troubles and tears.

When God made the first man and the first woman they were TRULY HAPPY.
  • Happy inside themselves
  • happy with each other
  • happy with the animals God had made and happy with everything.
  • And especially happy because God Himself was with them.
Now, I’m not truly happy, all the time. Troubles and tears are part of life. I’m sure it is the same for all of you.

What went wrong?
God told them that if they took and ate the fruit of a special tree they would loose the happiness.
Sadly they said “We know better! They did eat the fruit and lost their true happiness.

But God still wants us to be truly happy – The Bible says so in Colossians 1:11-12
“… and you will be truly happy”

The Lord Jesus told us a story about this.

There was a shop owner who was looking for really GOOD PEARLS  to buy (pearls are a jewel made by oyster-fish in the sea). He went from town to town looking for them.

One day he saw in a shop the BEST pearl he had ever seen. It was big, perfectly round  in shape, and glowed softly in the sunlight. But it cost a lot, lot of money.

“I must buy it he thought”. So he decided to sell all the things he had bought in his travels, and even his donkeys that carried them. With the money he was able to by this BEST pearl. He was so happy – “It’s MINE” he said. He was TRULY HAPPY.

Jesus was not saying that treasure and jewels make us truly happy. But he was saying we should look for what is BEST, and that is to FOLLOW him (JESUS)

The treasure poem:
"Where in the world can true treasure be found? 
It's not in the Bank, and it's not in the ground. 
It's Jesus the Saviour Who loves you and me, 
Who came to our rescue because of the Tree. 
He offers free pardon for all that we've done, 
The Door is wide open, so trust in God's Son."

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