Engadine Congregational Church

Code of Conduct1
(PDF Copy – Click to download)
- When serving at Engadine Congregational Church I commit to conducting myself in a manner consistent with the safe ministry training that I have undertaken. In particular:
- I will treat adults, children and young people with respect and value, without favouritism.
- I will behave appropriately, being faithful to my appointed tasks, being an example to others, and being careful in how I physically interact with others.
- I will never use physical punishment or abusive language – even as a form of discipline.
- I will act transparently, as far as possible, ensuring that another adult is present or within eyesight when I am with a vulnerable person (including other people’s children).
- I commit to ensuring that the spaces and activities that I am responsible for are safe and do not put people at risk of significant harm.
- I commit to including vulnerable people (and/or their carers/significant others) in discussions about decisions that will significantly affect them.
- I commit to encouraging openness by listening to people’s concerns with a willingness to support them and help them.
- I commit to reporting any concerns or suspicions about harmful behaviours and significant risks to the Engadine Congregational Church Safe Ministry Representative without bias or partiality.
- I will submit to the Engadine Congregational Church leader screening process to ensure that I am a suitable person to work with vulnerable people.
- I will familiarise myself with, and abide by, the Engadine Congregational Church Safe Ministry Policy and the Guidelines appropriate to my area of service.
- I will submit to disciplinary steps if I am found to violate these commitments or act in an otherwise inappropriate or illegal manner at Engadine Congregational Church.
Name: ___________________________________________
Signed: ___________________________________________
Date: __________________
1 To a large degree this Code of Conduct relies heavily upon the Leader Commitment (Code of Conduct) made available through Safe Ministry Training (www.safeministrytraining.com.au) and used with their permission.