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What has Jesus done? God’s Agent of Creation
What has Jesus done? God’s agent of creation Hebrews 1:2b and 3b Creation controversies Down through the centuries the topic of creation has been fraught with controversy. Amongst Christians, perhaps almost as much as amongst anyone else. Are we talking about creation occurring over six literal twenty-four hour days? Days as we experience days. Or are those ‘first day’, ‘second day’, ‘third day’ references in Genesis 1 to be understood more figuratively. As periods of time rather than strictly twenty-four…
test 2017 archive
2017-enlarging the narrow place 2017-relative link enlarging the narrow place
Who is Jesus? God’s Final Word
Who is Jesus? God’s final word Hebrews 1:1-2a A vox pop in Engadine re Jesus I wonder if we did a vox pop here in Engadine. You know where you go around and you ask people what their opinion is on a particular subject. I wonder if we went around Engadine. Or Heathcote. Or whatever suburb you live in. And asked people who do you think Jesus is. What do you make of what Jesus has done. I wonder what…
Maintaining a Healthy Church
2 John
If There is No Resurrection…
1 Corinthians 15:12-22
Confident and Careful
1 John 5, 6-21
Vital Life Signs
1 John 5:1-5
Guide Us Guard Us – Psalm 5
Psalm 5 For the director of music. For pipes. A psalm of David. Turning to God 1 Listen to my words, Lord,consider my lament.2 Hear my cry for help,my King and my God,for to you I pray.3 In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;in the morning I lay my requests before youand wait expectantly. Psalm 5 God and the Wicked 4 For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness;with you, evil people are not welcome.5 The…
Confidence in God
1 John 3:19-24, 4:13-21
Love Is …
1 John 3:11-18, 4:7-21
The Argonath of Christianity
1 John 2,28 – 3,10
The Believer’s Lie Detector
1 John 2, 18-27