Sermons on Christmas (Page 2)

Sermons on Christmas (Page 2)

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 5 – The Servant

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 5 – The Servant. Isaiah chapter 42, verse 1 to 16. If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. “Mere Christianity”, Chapter 10 on Hope, page 75 – C.S.Lewis The silent gods, Isa. 41:6,21-26 Isaiah challenges the futility of idols, that do nothing, say nothing, just confusion. The speaking God, Isa. 42:8-16 He identifies Himself,…

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 4 – The Branch

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room 4 – The Branch. Isaiah 11. Some symbols of Christmas are the tree, ornaments, gifts, etc. What are Isaiah’s symbols of Christmas? A stump, a branch and a banners. How do we make sense of these images? A budding branch from a dry stump – Isaiah 11:1-5. Jesus God’s Son, the great King who judges fairly and brings justice for all. Jesse’s family is like a tree that has been cut down.    A new little…

Let every heart prepare Him room – 3, The Child

The Child. Isaiah chapter 9, verses 1 to 7. Great Expectations. Waiting for a child to come. A time of great distress and gloom (Isaiah chapter 8) – but now “no more gloom” (Isaiah 9:1). Hope Light and joy Isaiah 9:1-3 The basis of hope: Isaiah 9:4-7 Deliverance Isaiah 9:4, as when Gideon defeated Midian in the days of the Judges. Complete victory Isa. 9:5, won by God Himself. The birth of a child Isa. 9:6-7. Born of man, given…

Let every heart prepare Him room – 2, The Virgin

The Virgin. Isaiah chapter 7, verses 1 to 17. “Do not be afraid”. Isa 7:4. Behind all the conflict of the kings God is in control. A Fearful King: Isa 7:1-2 An assault against the house of David in the 8th century BC (the royal house from which Jesus came). Ahaz the new King of Judah is afraid, and trembles. A Faithful Prophet: Isa 7:3-9 A message of hope, for God is in control. Isaiah is a living reminder of…

Let every heart prepare Him room – 1, The Promised Seed

The Promised Seed. Genesis chapter 3, verses 1 to 24. A most important chapter. It tells us what we are like. It tells us why world is the way it is, like a shattered mirror. Good is no longer normal. Shame, deceit and hiding came out of this chapter. But so did the remedy. The World’s great problem Genesis 3:1-24 God’s great promise Genesis 3:15 You can read the chapter here (Photo by Natchaya Shw on Unsplash)

God Next Door

John’s Gospel chapter 1, verses 14 to 18 God Next Door Jesus’ Identity, verse 14 A real man, yet real God too. “The Word became flesh”. Humble, living with Mary and Joseph. He was one always moving towards people, and never away from them. A man of intimacy. Jesus’ History, verse 15 “He was before me” was a witness’s statement. A history from the very beginning of time. A real history in space and time. Jesus’ Ministry, verses 16 to…

Responding to the Light

John’s Gospel, chapter 1 verses 6 to 18 Responding to the Light Christmas preparations. Three words that strike terror in the heart of any sane person! Christmas is coming. Shopping for presents, food, decorations, and it all starts earlier each year. The witness of the light: John 1:6-9 John the Baptist. John the street sign: not the street, but pointing to where it is. What he is not: not Christ. What he is. “The voice of him who cries in…

He Came Down – Light and Life

Light and life John’s Gospel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 3 Who do you think Jesus is? Here is what one famous man said:- I know men, and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a mere man.  Between him and whoever else is in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Cæsar, Charlemagne, and I founded empires. But upon what did we rest the creations of our genius ? Upon force. Jesus Christ alone founded…

He Came Down – Before the Manger

Before the Manger John’s Gospel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 2 John’s unique contribution Mark’s Gospel is silent, Matthew and Luke’s Gospels give us the details of Jesus’ birth, but only John takes us back to the beginning, “before the manger”. In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word To call Jesus “The Word” seems a strange way of speaking, but…
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