Bible Talks – Archive (Page 27)

Bible Talks – Archive (Page 27)

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The Good Life 3 – The Heart of the Matter

The Good Life 3 – The Heart of the Matter. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 5, verses 17 to 48. How do we really view God? Rules, rules, rules? Or a love relationship? This part of the Jesus’ teaching shows us about:- Righteousness (verses 17 to 30) Relationship (verses 31 to 37) Responsibilities (verses 38 to 48)

The Good Life 2 – Making a Difference

The Good Life 2 – Making a Difference. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 5, verses 13 to 16. Salt and Light You are the salt of the earth. But suppose the salt loses its saltiness. How can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything. It will be thrown out. People will walk all over it. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill can’t be hidden. Also, people do not light a…

The Good Life 1 – The Upside-Down Kingdom.

The Good Life 1 – The Upside-Down Kingdom. Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5, verses 1 to 12 Blessed are those who are … ? Matthew 5 “Blessed” means truly favoured by God. Jesus does not give us rules to get us to heaven, but a description of what it is like to be in the kingdom of heaven. Relating to God Matt 5:1-6 Relating to People Matt 5:7-12

Whom Jesus Loved (Marvellous Loose Ends).

Whom Jesus Loved. John’s Gospel, chapter 21, verses 1 to 25. Here we have some Marvellous Loose Ends, written so that you may know that Jesus is the Messiah. But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. If you believe this, you will have life because you belong to him. John 20:31 New International Reader’s Version (NIRV) Loose Ends Who wrote John’s gospel? What happens to Peter? “The disciple whom…

How God’s word changes lives

Hebrews chapter 10 verses 19 to 25. How God’s word changes lives. Our privileges in Jesus, Hebrews 10:19-21. Our standing in Christ. “Since we have….”. A time when we did NOT have: Confidence to come to God through Jesus. The door of good deeds is blocked up. The door of Jesus is thrown open for all who will come. See John 10. A never failing high priest, Jesus. The best, a perfect priest, without equal. Our responsibilities in Jesus, Hebrews…
A King's crown

The Lordship of Christ

Luke’s Gospel, chapter 8 verses 26-39. Who was Jesus? A moral, misguided prophet? A political reformer? A business guru? A therapist? Best friend? His Lordship Powerfully Challenged A man with almost complete disintegration of what it means to be human. God’s image subverted. Even his name is taken from him; he answered “Legion”, (6000 warriors). Line between him and the demons was blurred. His Lordship Powerfully Demonstrated Recognising. He knows who they are. Naming. He asks the questions. He has…

The Unfinished Task 18 – The Gospel’s Law of Motion.

Acts chapter 14. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion For every force there is an equal but opposite reaction. But the Gospel Law of motion is different – the Gospel is like a force, and there is an opposite, but unequal, response. Division in Iconium Acts 14:1-7 Don’t be surprised at a divided response. Many believed the Gospel, but others plot to stone Paul to death. This opposition is not equal to the Gospel, which the apostles and disciples carry then…

The Unifinished Task 17 – A Promise is a Promise

Acts chapter 13, verses 13 to 52. A Promise is a Promise. Some promises we learn to be cynical about. But promises by those we love and respect are different. We rely on them, and we are hurt when they are not kept. But God is the only one who always keeps his promises. The promise given, Acts 13:13-25 Paul’s first recorded sermon, and what a response! He tells what God did, step by step until King David, then beyond.…

The Unfinished Task 16 – An Unstoppable Gospel

An Unstoppable Gospel. Acts chapter 16. A Crisis, Acts 12:1-4 For the Christians (we are not guaranteed deliverance from suffering). An Angel, Acts 12:6-11 No prison can shut God out, nor keep his servants in. A Prayer Meeting, Acts 12:12-19 They are astonished when Peter shows up. A Tyrant, Acts 12:18-23 No match for a sovereign God. An Unstoppable Gospel, Acts 12:24-25 Christ IS building His church!

The Unfinished Task 15 – The Mother Church

The Unfinished Task 15 – The Mother Church Spiritual Genealogies. Antioch is the mother church of Gentile Christians, that is, of most of us. God’s mission advances as:- … believers share the good news. Acts 11:19-21 A geographic expansion and cultural expansion. … believers are encouraged and taught Acts 11:22-26 Jerusalem sends Barnabas, the “son of encouragement”. The gospel is to go out, but also to go deep. … believers express unity through generosity Acts 11:27-30 A famine on the…

The Unfinished Task 14 – The Gospel for All Nations

Our apology, but the audio of this Bible talk is incomplete, as the recorder ran out of space. Only the first 17 minutes is available. However, we have published it along with the following brief notes as the subject of the Gospel being for all nations is such an important truth. The Gospel for All Nations. Acts chapter 9, verse 32 to chapter 11, verse 18. After this I looked, and there in front of me was a huge crowd…

The Unfinished Task 13 – A Surprising Conversion

A Surprising Conversion. Acts chapter 9, verses 1 to 31. What is a Christian? Mental assent to Jesus’ teaching? Intending to live a more moral life? Or a life with a complete change of direction? Saul’s life as:- A Persecutor of Christians, verses 1 to 3. A New man in Christ, verses 3 to 17. A Servant of the Gospel, verses 17 to 31.